Sergei Rasskasov

PhD, Senior Staff Scientist    /    Россия, T'umen

Hello, I am staff scientist at Historical Geography Section, T'umen' (Tyumen) University, Siberia. We take an active part in Siberian and Byzantium studies, combining skills in Human Geography, local and regional History, Cartography, Anthropology and other fields of human and regional sciences. Our developing Siberian group is tightly connected to other three teams in Russia (2 in Moscow and 1 in St.Petersburg) getting involved in Historical Geography.

Сфера научных интересов


How to write the historical geography of the South-Western Siberia?

Fyodor Korandey, Sergei Rasskasov
In this paper are proposed the initial theoretical considerations of the study of geographies of the past of South-Western Siberia, which expected to be the one of the series of monographs on Historical Geography of Russia, edited by Russian Geographical Society. The starting point of this...

Основные направления и парадигмы российской географии. Краткий путеводитель для историков

Sergei Rasskasov
Краткий авторский обзор состояния российской географии, выделяющий четыре базовых, заимствованных из западной науки, но порой оригинально перетолкованных или...

Юго-Западная Сибирь: эволюция пространственных структур общества (XV-XX вв.)

Sergei Rasskasov
The paper is concerned with settlement, development, civilisation and creation of South Western Siberia – the region of Siberian people ancient dispersion, core land for Russian Siberia, and nowadays old province with rich heritage for research in historical geography. Author defines 12 stages...
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